Surgical Rejuvenation of the face: Face lift

There are several different treatments techniques that provide facial rejuvenation.  Surgery is one of them.  Rhytidectomy or face lift surgery is a procedure designed to remove excess skin on the face and neck and to improve the appearance of wrinkles.  This remodeling of the face improves the jawline, tightening the skin and giving the face back its youthful contour.  Facial skin and muscles are placed in a way that gives the face a more youthful V shape that age, environment or weight loss have affected.  Excess skin is lifted and resected; inner support sutures are placed to maintain the results for a longer period of time.  Fat can also be removed or injected to sculpt and detail the face.

A face lift can be performed alone, just working on the face, or in combination with an eyelid lift, neck or brow lift.   Incisions are placed in front of and behind the ears towards the hairline; and from the ear up towards the head, also hidden behind the hairline.  When a brow lift is performed this last incision is commonly continued to the top of the head.  Scars are hardly visible once the healing process is complete. Results of a face lift can last seven to ten years, in some cases less time.  They depend on how much patients takes care of their skin with proper skin care products for home use and professional treatments as follow up.  Sun block and proper nutrition are determining factors in skin quality.  Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, under the strict vigilance of a specialist, anesthesiologist.

Dr. Miguel Alfaro usually performs a face lift in a couple of hours, as an outpatient procedure, so patients do not need to stay in the hospital overnight.  This is a common procedure for both men and women, and it can be performed at a variety of moments in life usually determined more by photodamage than age.

There are few techniques or approaches that can be used to perform a face lift, but  more important than the technique is the expertise, knowledge, experience the surgeon has.  Experience comes not only with time, but also with number of procedures performed.  The proper choice of cosmetic surgeon will save you time and money.

Prior to surgery the patient must undergo a full physical examination, blood work, and an EKG.  Their family physician must clear them for surgery, after which they have a consultation with Dr. Miguel Alfaro to talk about the details of the procedure.

After the surgery there will be some bruising and swelling, 80% of this swelling disappears during the first two weeks, the other 20% takes 4 to 6 months.  Pain involved is mostly present when coming to from anesthesia and is immediately controlled with painkillers.  The patient must be very careful to move gently, specially when turning to the side, and be sure of turning their whole body, not only the head, for about a week.  Lifting heavy objects and bending over are not encouraged for some time.  Combing and washing hair must be performed softly and carefully for about 10 days.  Make up can be used after a week.  Swimming in pools, the ocean, rivers or lakes is discouraged for at least a month.

Every plastic surgical procedure can be complemented with a non surgical procedure to enhance results, a face lift is no exception.  Visit us next week for information on non surgical rejuvenation of the face.

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